Written by Tyler Sharp, reblogged from CDC (link below)
Paradise Has Its RisksGiven the choice I prefer my bones to remain unbroken. For that reason I began to worry when I found out that the disease I would be studying for the next two years in Puerto Rico was also referred to as “breakbone fever.”
In April of 2010, I accepted an assignment to study dengue fever as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at the CDC Dengue Branch in San Juan, Puerto Rico. While I was thrilled to be moving to “The Island of Enchantment,” reality began to sink in when I realized that I was running head first into an ongoing epidemic of a painful and deadly disease.
Earlier that year, CDC had issued an update on the status of dengue in the Caribbean, warning of impending epidemics. From my time in graduate school I knew that the four viruses that cause dengue are transmitted by mosquitoes, but I didn’t know much about the illness itself. When I started reading up on dengue

Keep Reading: http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/08/breakbone-fever/